Sony Ericsson K550im手機介紹 - SOGI 手機王 i-mode 與 Cyber-shot 照相手機結合的 K550im SE Cyber-shot 照相手機大放異彩 Sony Ericsson 自 2006 年七月推出全球首款 K800i Cyber-shot 照相手機以來,全球銷售量已經突破450 萬支, 2007 年將再發三款 Cyber-shot 照相手機(SE K810i、K550i、K550im
Sony Ericsson K550i - For Cool Cyber-shot Pics For those interested in digital photography, Sony launches Sony Ericsson K550i with amazing Cyber-shot camera quality. So it's time to inspire your inner photographer. Take the camera phone with you wherever you go. Capture every single moment of your lif
Sony Ericsson K系列的Cybershot瘦身計劃-k550i - 鄭蛋蛋的3C部落格 - FashionGuide華人第一女性時尚美妝傳媒 在2006年, Sony Ericsson首度結合Sony的Cyber-shot技術, 媲美數位相機的操作介面, 氙... FG 首頁 ... 不過值得一提的是, Cyber-shot手機傲人的氙氣閃光燈在k550i拿掉, 真的非常可惜, 希望SE能夠在不久的將來發表一隻擁有氙氣閃光燈的輕薄Cyber-shot手機! ...
Sony Ericsson Cyber-shot K810i and K550i - What Digital Camera Sony Ericsson is dialing up another winner with the announcement of two new second generation Cyber-shot camera phones, the K810i and K550i. Sony Ericsson looks set to be dialing up another winner ? with the announcement of two new Cybershot camera phones
Sony Ericsson K550 review: A Cyber-shot on a budget - GSMArena ... 9 Feb 2007 ... The Cyber-shot revolution has done only good to the Sony Ericsson sales. ... The first one is the K550i and the second one the K550im which is ...
Sony Ericsson K550i Cyber Shot Review Philippines - YouTube 2007年11月20日 - 3 分鐘 - 上傳者:eReview123 Bear in mind that in the case of Sony Ericsson the Cyber-shot logo does not necessarily mean ...
Sony Ericsson K550i Cyber-shot - cellular phone - GSM Overview ... Sony Ericsson K550i Cyber-shot - cellular phone - GSM overview and full product specs on CNET.
Sony Ericsson Cybershot K550i Instructions | eHow Sony Ericsson Cybershot K550i Instructions. Sony Ericsson's Cybershot K550i combines many of the features of a modern digital camera with the ...
Sony Ericsson K550i review - Trusted Reviews 5 Feb 2011 ... Sony Ericsson's K550i is a Cyber-shot handset, which means it's designed with photography as a key feature. In this instance the 2-megapixel ...